
Thursday 2 March 2023

Use of As soon as, No sooner... than, Hardly.... when

When,as, as soon as,no sooner,hardly,scarcely etc. are related to the time of the action.

 ही सर्व  Conjunctions / Phrases कृतीची वेळ दर्शवितात म्हणून ही सर्व Conjunctions / Phrases एकमेकांच्या ऐवजी लिहिता येतात.

🔸 Used to indicate that one thing happens immediately after another. ( लागोपाठ घडलेल्या क्रिया दर्शवण्यासाठी )

🔸 पहिल्या घडलेल्या क्रियेपूर्वीच as soon as, No sooner चा वापर करावा.

🔸 वाक्यात इतर आलेले time indicating words जसे की after, soon, immediately, at once, suddenly,the moment, instantly,at the same time,just then, at once,quickly, before, when, as etc.

🔸 when the children found her sleep,they quitely got up.

🔸 As the children found her sleep,they quitely got up.

🔸 As soon as the children found her sleep,they quitely got up.

🔸 No sooner did the children find her sleep,they quitely got up.

🔸 Hardly had the children found her sleep,they quitely got up.

 वरील पाचही वाक्यांचा अर्थ एकच आहे मात्र त्यांच्या रचना भिन्न आहेत.

As soon as, as, when यांनी सुरु होणारे clause हे Subordinate clause आहेत. हे clause वाक्याच्या सुरुवातीला किंवा नंतरही येऊ शकतात. परंतु No sooner, Hardly, Scarcely ने सुरु होणारे  clauses हे main clause आहेत.

As soon as, When, As च्या ऐवजी  No sooner..... than चा उपयोग करताना......

1. As soon as च्या ऐवजी No sooner लिहावे.

2. As soon as च्या clause मध्ये जर सहाय्यकारी क्रियापद असेल तर ते no sooner नंतर लिहावे.

3. जर सहाय्यकारी क्रियापद नसेल तर मुख्य क्रियापदाच्या काळानुसार  do, does, did घ्यावे व नंतर मुख्य क्रियापद मूळ रूपात लिहावे.

4. मुख्य क्रियापदाला कोणताच प्रत्यय नसल्यास  do घ्यावे. S किंवा es प्रत्यय असल्यास does घ्यावे. ed प्रत्यय किंवा भूतकाळ असल्यास did घ्यावे.

go - do, goes - does, went - did

5. दोन clause जोडण्यासाठी than लिहावे.

( No sooner + Helping verb / do, does did + Subject + Main Verb + remaining part of the first clause + than + Second Clause ). 

Examples -

1. As soon as the decision was taken they started collecting various things. 

➡️  No sooner was the decision taken than they started collecting various things.

2. As soon as the thief heard the noise, he ran away.

➡️ No sooner did the thief hear the noise  than he ran away.

3. When he starts his work, he gets a headache.

➡️ No sooner does he start his work than he gets a headache.

4.  We heard a gunshot as soon as we had crossed the bridge.

➡️  No sooner had we crossed the bridge than we heard a gunshot.

5. As soon as he left the house, he met with an accident. ( Feb 2023)

➡️ No sooner did he leave the house than he met with an accident.

6. As soon as I reached the platform, the train left.

➡️ No sooner did I reach the platform than the train left.

7. I will make the announcement as soon as I reach the office.

➡️ No sooner do I reach the office than I will make the announcement.

8. She is quick and careful enough to stop it as soon as it reaches the right figure.

➡️ No sooner does it reach the right figure than she is quick and careful enough to stop it. 

9. As soon as the thief ran out of the jail, the guard fired at him.

➡️ No sooner did the thief run out of the jail than the guard fired at him.

10. Farmers were unhappy because of the late arrival of the Monsoon. As soon as it started raining, the farmers became happy.    

➡️ Farmers were unhappy because of the late arrival of the Monsoon. No sooner did it start raining than the farmers became happy.

11. As soon as the king finished speaking, the people began to cheer him.

➡️ No sooner did the king finish speaking than the people began to cheer him.

12. As soon as the Indian troops recaptured Tiger Hills, they hoisted the tri-colour.

➡️ No sooner did the Indian troops recapture Tiger Hills than they hoisted the tri- colour.

13. As soon as the sun sets, the stars begin to shine.

➡️ No sooner does the sun set than the stars begin to shine. 

14. As soon as the results were declared, the students cheered loudly.

➡️ No sooner were the results declared than the students cheered loudly. 

15. As soon as the teacher entered the class room, the students wished him good morning.

➡️ No sooner did the teacher enter the classroom than the students wished him good morning. 

16. As soon as the king kissed his little daughter, her beautiful face turned into gold.

➡️ No sooner did the king kiss his little daughter than her beautiful face turned into gold. 

17. As soon as the Principal entered the class, all the boys stood up.

➡️ No sooner did the Principal enter the class than all the boys stood up. 

18. As soon as a son gets married, he goes away from his parents.

➡️ No sooner does a son get married than he goes away from his parents. 

19. The thief ran away as soon as he saw the policeman.

➡️ No sooner did the thief see the policeman than he ran away. 

20. As soon as the Government announces the relief funds, people become happy.

➡️ No sooner does the Government announce the relief funds than people become happy. 

21. As soon as the shopkeeper arrives, the gate opens automatically.

➡️ No sooner does the shopkeeper arrive than the gate opens automatically.

22. As soon as the leaf fell from the tree, the wind swept it away.

➡️ No sooner did the leaf fall from the tree than the wind swept it away. 

23. As the evening aarti time nears, I trace my steps to the mahalaxmi temple.

➡️ No sooner does the evening aarti time near than I trace my steps to the mahalaxmi temple. 

24. They have excuses ready when they reach office late.

➡️ No sooner do they reach the office late than they have excuses ready. 

25. When I saw the prizes, I was stupefied.

➡️ No sooner did I see the prizes than I was stupefied.

26. As soon as the king arrived in the court humming a happy tune to himself, he cleared his throat.

➡️ No sooner did the king arrive in the court than he cleared his throat. 

27. When a computer is down, the customer wants it back up in working right away.

➡️ No sooner is a computer down than the customer wants its back up in working right away.

Use of As soon as.....

1. दिलेल्या वाक्यात When, as, No sooner आले असेल तर ते काढून त्या ठिकाणी  As soon as वापरावे.

2. जर वरील शब्द नसतील तर पहिली क्रिया दर्शवणारे वाक्य शोधा आणि त्यापूर्वी As soon as लिहा.

3. दोन्ही वाक्यांमधील पूर्णविराम किंवा and आले असेल तर ते काढून टाकून दुसऱ्या वाक्यापूर्वी comma (,) द्यावा.

4. दिलेल्या वाक्यात वर उल्लेख केलेले कालदर्शक शब्द आले असतील तर ते काढून टाकावेत.

5. No sooner... than च्या वाक्यात as soon as जोडताना काही गोष्टी लक्षात घ्या. No sooner च्या ठिकाणी As soon as वापरावे. No sooner नंतर येणारे सहाय्यकारी क्रियापद पहिल्या वाक्यातील कर्त्यानंतर उचलून ठेवा. do, does, did आले असेल तर ते काढून टाका, काढून टाकताना मुख्य क्रियापदाच्या रूपात बदल करा. ( do - काही बदल नाही., does - मुख्य क्रियापदाला s, es प्रत्यय जोडावा, did- क्रियापदाचे भूतकाळी रूप वापरावे )

Examples -                                                                                                                             

1. When the tower tumbles, he learns to approach the task in a different way.

➡️ As soon as the tower tumbles, he learns to approach the task in a different way.

2. No sooner did the teacher reach the school than the children gathered around him.

➡️ As soon as the teacher reached the school, the children gathered around him.

3.No sooner does he start his work than he gets a head-ache.

➡️ As soon as he starts his work, he gets a head - ache. 

4.No sooner did the teacher enter the class than the pupils greeted him.

➡️ As soon as the teacher entered the class, the pupils greeted him.

5.She returns from school at 4 pm and rushes for her IIT entrance exam coaching class.

➡️ As soon as she returns from school at 4 pm, she rushes for her IIT entrance exam coaching class. 

6.After dinner, she spends an hour or more on homework.

➡️ As soon as she finishes her dinner, she spends an hour or more on homework. 

7.My wife enters the kitchen to find them scurrying away after a night of feasting.

➡️ As soon as my wife enters the kitchen, she finds them scurrying away after a night of feasting. 

8.They have excuses ready when they reach office late.

➡️ They have excuses ready as soon as they reach office late. 

9.When I saw the prizes, I was stupefied.

➡️ As soon as I saw the prizes than I was stupefied. 

Use of Hardly had..... when

1. भूतकाळातील लागोपाठ घडणाऱ्या घटना जोडण्यासाठी

2. वाक्यातील when as, as soon as, No sooner, as, काढून टाकून त्या ठिकाणी Hardly had वापरावे.

3. जर वरील शब्द नसतील तर पहिली क्रिया घडलेले वाक्य शोधा व त्यापूर्वी Hardly had वापरा.

4. ज्या वाक्यात Hardly had वापरणार आहात त्या वाक्यात असणाऱ्या क्रियापदाचे तिसरे रूप ( V3) वापरावे.

5. दुसऱ्या वाक्यापूर्वी  comma, than असेल तर ते काढून त्या ठिकाणी when वापरा.

6. वर उल्लेख केलेले कालदर्शक शब्द जर वाक्यात आले असतील तर ते काढून टाका.

( Hardly had + S+ V3+ the remaining part of the first clause + when + second clause ) 

Examples -

1.When the king came to know of this, he was furious.

➡️ Hardly had the king come to know of this when he was furious.

2.As soon as the sun rises, the birds started chirping.

➡️ Hardly had the sun risen when the birds started chirping.

3.The boys rushed to the ground as the bell had rung.

➡️ Hardly had the bell rung when the boys rushed to the ground.

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