
Tuesday 18 June 2024

An Astrologer's Day - R. K. Narayan

 About the author -

R. K. Narayan (1906 to 2001) Rasipuram Krishnaswami Iyer Narayanaswami was one of the best known novelists among Indian English writers. He is the author of fourteen novels, five volumes of short stories, and a number of travelogues, and has a collection of non-fiction to his credit. He also wrote his memoir ‘My Days’ (1975). Narayan created the imaginary town of Malgudi, where realistic characters in a typically Indian setting lived amid unpredictable events. His stories are grounded in compassionate humanism and celebrated the humour and energy of ordinary life. His stories are characterized by a simple style and subtle humour.Narayan was introduced to American readers in 1952 by the Michigan State University Press.These include, ‘Swami and Friends’, ‘The Bachelor of Arts’ (1937), ‘The Dark Room’ (1938), ‘An Astrologer’s Day and Other stories’(1947), ‘Mr Sampath ‘(1949), ‘The Financial Expert’ (1954), ‘Waiting for the Mahatma’ (1955), ‘The Guide’ (1958), and many other books.His novel, ‘The Guide’, won him The Sahitya Akademi Award in 1961, the most coveted literary honour in India. His writing is distinguished by humour and unoffending irony, a unique Indianness and a simplicity which is utterly charming and authentic. Narayan typically portrays the peculiarities of human relationships and the ironies of Indian daily life. His style is graceful, marked by genial humour, elegance and simplicity.

Summary -

"The Astrologer's Day" is a short story which deals with a day in the life of an ordinary but fake astrologer. The setting of the story is a town, Malgudi which is located in South India, near to Madras. It is not a story of contemporary times but pre - independence times.The story opens at midday. This is the time when  an astrologer opens his business. The writer describes how he begins his business. He removes all his professional equipments like cowrie shells, charts, Palmyra writing etc. He is also dressed typically like an astrologer to attract customers. His forehead is bright with sacred ash and vermilion. His eyes are assumed to have a prophetic light by his customers. He wears a saffron turban. Thus an astrologer presented himself so perfectly that he was consequently a point of attraction for all the people. The writer describes the path along the Town Hall Park where the astrologer sits to lure his prospective customers. He carried on his business under a tamarind tree on the Town Hall road. The path was the right place to carry on his business as it was amply crowded with different trades and traders like medicine sellers, hardware and junk,magicians, cloth - sellers etc. Next to him,a fried groundnut vendor whose gas light enabled him to carry on his business even after sunset.The astrologer was a shrewd person who hardly had any knowledge of astrology. He just made a guess work when people approached him. He had to work hard to earn his wages. He had left  his village since he didn't want to continue the traditional occupation of his forefathers i.e. farming. He never had any plans to return to his village.He was a mastermind at analyzing human mind and psychology.His strong perception made him diagnose the exact problem of his customers. His customers would finally leave satisfied. He closed his shop for the day when his neighbor, groundnut vendor blew out his light. On the day under description in the story, the groundnut vendor left and the astrologer was packing up his wares when he located a man standing before him. He perceived him to be his prospective customer. When the astrologer invited him, he posed a challenge before him and his astrological science. They have a deal between them. The man gave him an anna and asked the astrologer to answer his questions and if he doesn't answer satisfactorily he will have to return the anna with interest. At the same time if the astrologer is able to answer the questions satisfactorily he would give him eight annas. But if the astrologer fails, he would pay double amount i.e.,sixteen annas to the man. Thus the deal was finalized between them.The astrologer prayed to the heaven. Then suddenly the astrologer denied the challenge and requested the man to let him go. The man said that he will not let him give in. He holds him in his grip thereby making the astrologer shiver. Finally, the astrologer realized that he is trapped and has no chance of moving out. The man turned out to be a criminal by profession. The astrologer shivered and unwillingly accepted the challenge.He started telling about some woman but the man was not satisfied and stopped him. He had a single question that whether he would get what he was searching for. The man promised the astrologer that if he is satisfied with his answers, he would pay him a rupee. The astrologer prayed a few incantations before replying. The astrologer began with his prophecies by saying to the man that you were left for dead in the past and a knife has passed once on your chest. The man was excited at this information since he had really faced it. After he got wounded,he was thrown into a well nearby to die. A passerby saw him and rescued him and that is how he was saved from dying. The man was waiting to revenge the culprit who had attacked him and was in search of the culprit who had tried to kill him. The only thing which the man wanted to know from the astrologer if he could find his killer.The astrologer instantly replied that the culprit had died four months ago in a far - off town. The man was disappointed to hear this.The astrologer identified the name of the man before him as Guru Nayak. He told the man that his village was a two days' journey to north and warned him to go back home and never to travel south again . He asked him to return to his hometown immediately as his life was in danger if he left his hometown again. The man replied that he left home just to search the culprit who had tried to kill him and was interested in knowing if he had died in the worst way. The astrologer satisfied him by informing that the culprit was crushed under a lorry.The man left after giving the astrologer a handful of coins. The astrologer too winded up his belongings and went home.The astrologer's wife was waiting for him worriedly since he was unusually late that day. The astrologer flung the coins at his wife to count . They were twelve and a half annas in all. She was extremely happy to encounter that big amount. She planned to buy jaggery and coconut for their child, who was demanding for sweets from a long time . However, the astrologer looked worried and was not happy like his wife. He was angry at Guru Nayak as he had cheated him. He promised to give a rupee and actually gave only twelve and a half annas . After dinner, he shared the secret of his life with his wife. He said that a great burden of his life was gone that day. He always felt that he had killed Guru Nayak. So the astrologer had run away from his native village due to the fear of being accused as a murderer. He settled in Malgudi and married and decided that he would never return back to his native village. Actually the man who tried to kill Guru Nayak was the astrologer himself. So he was able to make accurate predictions about him though he hardly knew astrology. The astrologer confessed to his wife that in his youth he was into bad company with Guru Nayak. He drank, gambled and quarrelled badly one day and had a fight and had almost killed Guru Nayak. This is how life with its unpredictable twists and turns had created an astrologer out of a vagabond.

Monday 15 April 2024


      Activity Sheet Format ( 80 marks )

Subject - English (01)

Class - XII

SECTION -I ( Prose )   ( 16 marks )

Q1A) Read the extract and complete the activities given below :              (12 marks ) 

(Seen extract from section no.1 consisting of 275- 300 words )

A1) Global Understanding                   02

A2) Complex factual                              02

A3) Inference /Interpretation/ Analysis  02

A4) Personal Response                       02

A5) Language study                              02

A6) Vocabulary                                       02

B) Language study (Non -textual grammar)                                                                   (04 marks )

B1. Do as directed / Transformation of sentences                                                                   03

B2. Spot the error                                  01

Q2A) Read the extract and complete the activities given below :              (18 marks ) 

(Unseen extract consisting of 275- 300 words )

A1) Global Understanding                02

A2) Complex factual                           02

A3) Inference /Interpretation/ Analysis 02

A4) Personal Response                       02

A5) Language study                              02

A6) Vocabulary                                       02

B) Summary Writing                            03

( Write the summary of the above extract with a suitable title with the help of the given points / hints ) 

C) Mind mapping                                    03

 Develop a mind mapping frame /design using your ideas/ thoughts /concepts to illustrate /develop on the given topic.)

                  SECTION -II POETRY 

   ( POETRY AND APPRECIATION )  ( 14marks )

Q3A) Read the extract and complete the activities given below :              (10 marks ) 

(Seen extract from a poem of about 10- 15 lines )

A1) Global Understanding                02

A2) Inference /Interpretation/ Analysis 02

A3) Personal Response                       02

A4) Poetic device                                   02

A5) Creativity ( Compose 2-3 lines ) 02

B) APPRECIATION                         04Marks 

( Seen extract of 10-15 lines from another poem not asked in Q3.A)

                         SECTION III

                ( WRITING SKILLS ) 

Q4 complete the activities as per the instructions given below :                (16marks ) 

 A) Drafting virtual message /Statement of purpose /Group discussion                                (04) 

 B) Email /Report writing/  Interview               (04)

 C) Speech / compering / Expansion of ideas                                                                  (04)

D) Review / Blog /Appeal          (04)

                        SECTION -IV


                                                              ( 16marks ) 

Q5 A) complete the activities as per the instructions given below :               (04)

1. Activities on History of English Novel       (02)

2. Activities on History of English Novel       (02)

( Activities to be framed on MCQ/ Match the columns/ Chronological order/ Fill in the blanks/ True False/ Elements of Novel OR any other novel activity)

B) Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below :

( Questions to be based on elements such as plo/t structure /Theme /Setting Language/ Character )

1. Describe/ Explain /Compare /Contrast/ Name /Discuss         02

2.  Illustrate /Interpret /Narrate/Justify / Find /Identify  02

( Please note: activities in Q5B should be framed on text book content 4.2 )

C) Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below :

( Questions to be based on elements such as plo/t structure /Theme /Setting Language/ Character )

1. Describe/ Explain /Compare /Contrast/ Name /Discuss         02

2.  Illustrate /Interpret /Narrate/Justify / Find /Identify  02

( Please note: activities in Q5C should be framed on text book content 4.3 )

D) Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below :

( Questions to be based on elements such as plo/t structure /Theme /Setting Language/ Character )

1. Describe/ Explain /Compare /Contrast/ Name /Discuss         02

2. Illustrate /Interpret /Narrate/Justify / Find /Identify        02

( Please note: activities in Q5D should be framed on text book content 4.4 )

Monday 11 March 2024

Appreciation of the poem ' Nose versus Eyes'

🔸 Appreciation of the poem ' Nose versus Eyes'

1. About the poem, poet and title- 

The poet William Cowper is famous for his satirical work. The poem 'Nose versus Eyes' is such a gently humorous poem. It pokes fun at some absurd decisions arrived at in jurisprudence when the law is applied without human discretion and thought. The nose and eyes are sensory organs that symbolise human behaviour.

2. Theme -

The theme is about typical human behaviour in the society which is greedy. People who grab something which is not theirs and deprive those who deserve it.

3. Poetic style, language and poetic device- 

The poem is in stanzas of four lines each, The first and third, and the second and fourth lines rhyme in each.

The sensory organs are personified. The eyes and nose are the parties fighting the cakes, claiming ownership of the spectacles. The tongue is the lawyer ; the ear is the chief baron – The judge. The tongue is attributed with the qualities of skillful argument and learning. The tongue is also given the quality of shifting loyalties and double speak. That is what lawyers do. The ear is spoken of as having good judgement.

The poem has many words and phrases related to the legal field ‘Your lordship' is how the tongue addresses the ear. ‘Decreed, pleaded, arguments ‘are the few words used in the court.

4. Special features-

The poem is unique, in that it is a gentle criticism of the judicial system. Criticism of the judiciary is dangerous and could even land one into trouble.But the poet has been gently mocking in his style, which does not offend but is completely truthful how the things are being presented.

5. Message / values/ morals in the poem.

The message the poem gives is that the judges verdict should also keep in mind the human values are not just arrived at decisions based purely on law books.

6. Your opinion about the poem

The poem reminds us about one of the hypocrisy and greed in people to grab what isn't theirs. It shows how the weak are unable to defend themselves. Though they are on the side of right. They are often wrong – the nose trying to grab the spectacles when the weak eyes need them to stand on is the perfect example in the poem 'nose versus eyes'.

Wednesday 21 February 2024

Do as directed / Language study ( HSC BOARD EXAM 2024)

 Do as directed / Language study ( HSC BOARD EXAM 2024)

Q1. A5. 1. Simple present tense

2. I used to come back to my apartment in New York.


1. Avaneesh asked Sanchit what he was doing in the garden at that time.

2. Neeraj Chopra will not participate in the world championship due to ankle injury.

3. If you have confidence, you will get success.

B2. ( Spot the error )

 He prescribe medicine alongwith exercises to his patients

➡️ He prescribes medicine alongwith exercises to his patients.

Q2 A5.

1. They have tried it again and again. ( Active Voice ) 

2. We are looking for the sound state of mind. ( Simple Sentence )

Saturday 20 January 2024

Review of a short film - Laddoo

 Review of a short film - Laddoo

Title of the film -

The title of the short film is Laddoo. The title is suitable and apt. The story moves around it. It is a must- watch 12 -minutes short film.

 Casts -

Kumud Mishra as Maulvi, Kabir Sajid as kid, Mansi Parekh as Mother, Rajkumar Kanojia as Begger, Alok Pandey as Watchman 

 Subject / Story / Plot -

                 The story is very simple. A housewife of a Hindu family has prepared some dishes on the anniversary of her father-in-law. Now they are to be fed to Pandit Ji in the temple. So that the food reaches Grandfather in heaven. Her husband is not at home, so she sends food to the temple in the hands of her 7-8-year-old child Rahul. Now Rahul is not only talkative but has a machine gun of questions.

    The mother sent Rahul to the temple by giving him a tiffin of food. When Rahul reached the temple, he saw that the temple is closed. Pandit Ji has gone somewhere and the gate is locked. A big problem happened! A mosque is a visible adjacent to it. There is a bearded man roaming around, to which everyone is behaving with great admiration. It is understood by Rahul that this man is the higher authority of God’s ‘this’ house. Rahul reaches Maulvi Saheb and urges him to eat food for his grandfather’s sake. Obviously, Maulvi Sahib refuses.There is an argument  between the two. All the joy is in the question and answer of these two. How an innocent child can overcome an elderly cleric on the strength of his innocence is something to behold.

Presentation -

The presentation of the story and its theme is really noteworthy. Viewers get the clear idea of the story in the form of child's thinking and dialogues.

Photography -

The photography is very effective. It shows the journey of the child to fulfill his queries.

Music -

 Being a short film there is no scope for music. The background music is supportive to the story.

Message -

 The short film has a wonderful message for the viewer - the universal nature of faith. No matter the name we choose for them, Bhagwan or Allah, they are all the same indeed. The strength of the film lies in its writing - how it uses the innocent questions of a child to remind grownups - the simplicity of a truth they have forgotten while raising imaginary walls and boundaries.


Overall ‘Laddoo‘ is something to watch out of time. Will definitely see.

Ratings -   ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Wednesday 12 April 2023

Direct and Indirect speech

             Direct and Indirect speech

Direct speech - When we quote the exact words of the speaker, it is called Direct speech.

For example,  Ram said to Seeta," I am happy. "

Indirect Speech - When we report the same words as a third person, it is called indirect speech or reported speech.

For example, Ram told Seeta that he was happy.

 # Rules for changing direct speech into indirect speech #

  1.  The sentence in between the inverted commas is called ' reported speech ' while the outside verb is called ' reporting verb'

  2. Remove inverted comma, interrogation mark, comma and exclamation mark in indirect speech.

  3. The interrogative, imperative, exclamatory sentences turn into ' Assertive' in indirect speech.

  4. Do not use 'to' or 'that ' immediately after the reporting verbs like told, said…

According to the kinds of sentences, use the following reporting verbs and conjunctions in indirect speech.

    Kind of sentence 

        Reporting verb



  Said to- told, said - said 




Verbal or yes/ no type question - if / whether

Wh question - wh word 





ordered, suggested, requested, advised, commanded etc.


Don't - not to

Changes in pronoun -

 Direct speech 

              Indirect speech 


he, she 


he, she 


him, her 


his, her 


himself, herself 








him / her 


his, her 


himself, herself



Changes in auxiliaries -

    Direct speech

  Indirect speech 

am, is, are

was, were 



was /were

had been






should /would




must / had to

Change of words showing time,position and distance -










that day 


that night 


the next day 


the previous day / the day before







last night 

the night before

last week

the previous week

next week

the following week

next month 

the following month 

next year 

the following year 

Examples -

🔸 Assertive sentence -

i) He said to her, "You will get a letter tomorrow."

➡️ He told her that she would get a letter the next day.

ii) She said, "I bought a new dress yesterday."

➡️ She said that she had bought a new dress the day before.

iii) The customs officer said, "I like the old parsi."

➡️ The customs officer said that he liked the old parsi.

iv) The father said to his son, " I shall buy a bicycle for your birthday. "

➡️ The father told his son that he should buy a bicycle for his birthday.

🔸Interrogative / Question Sentence -

i) He said to her, "What do you want?"

 ➡️ He asked her what she wanted.

ii) " Dear students, how did you enjoy your trip?", said the teacher

➡️ The teacher asked students how they had enjoyed their trip.

iii) Sachin said to Sarika, " Will you dance with me? "

➡️ Sachin asked Sarika if she would dance with him.

iv) Saniya said, " What are you doing here? "

➡️ saniya asked her what she was doing there.

v) The clerk said to the man, " Do you wish to open an account?"

➡️ The clerk asked the man if he wished to open an account.

vi) " Have you finished the job, David?" asked John

➡️ John asked David if he had finished the job.

🔸Imperative Sentence

i) His friend said to him, "Please wait here for me till I return."

➡️ His friend requested him to wait there for him till they returned.

ii) The principal said to Rahul, " Obey your teachers. "

➡️ The principal advised Rahul to obey his teachers.

iii) She said, "Don't groan."

➡️ She advised not to groan.

🔸Exclamatory sentence

i) I said, "How amazing it is!"

➡️ I exclaimed that it was very amazing.

ii) He said, "What a foolish job he has done!"

➡️ He exclaimed that he had done a very foolish job.

iii) " How right you are!" the chairman said

➡️ The chairman exclaimed that he/ she was right.

iv) Dr.Singh said, "What a surprise!"

➡️ Dr. Singh exclaimed that it was a great surprise.

                  🔸  Let sentences

Sentences that begin with let also belong to imperative form. Sentences with let are slightly different from other sentences that give order, advice, warning, command etc.


🔸Let is used in a sentence to express a suggestion or proposal. We have to understand from the mood of the sentence if something is suggested or proposed

🔸Reporting verbs such as ‘said’, ‘told’, ‘said to’ change to ‘proposed‘ or ‘suggested‘. 

🔸Here the reporting clause and reported clause can be connected with conjunction ‘that’

🔸Sometime ‘to’ is used. In that case the reporting verb ‘said to’ changes to 'told.'

1. He said to his friends, "Let's go out for a walk."

➡️ He suggested his friends that they should go out for a walk.

2. The man said to the woman, “Let us eat in peace, without talking.”

➡️ The man suggested the woman that they should eat in peace, without talking.

3.I said to my mother, “Let me do the work.”

➡️ I told my mother to let me do the work.

4. The employee said to the boss, “Let me explain the matter to you.”

➡️ The employee told the boss to let him explain the matter to him.

🔸Indirect Narration of Universal Truth

🔸Here we are going to see that the reported statement of each direct narration is a universal truth, that is a statement universally accepted as true.

🔸 Universal truth speeches include - any moral principle, natural phenomena, mathematical equation, scientific statement etc.

1.Direct – The man said, “A barking dog seldom bites.”

Indirect – The man said that a barking dog seldom bites.

2. Direct – They said, “Honesty is the best policy.”

Indirect – They said that honesty is the best policy.

3. Direct – The teacher said to the children, “Water freezes into ice below 0°C.”

Indirect – The teacher told the children that water freezes into ice below 0°C.

4. Direct – “Five and five make ten.” Said the girl.

Indirect – The girl said that five and five make ten.

5.Direct – The teacher said, “The sun gives us light.”

Indirect – The teacher said that the sun gives us light.

6.Direct - He said, “The sun rises in the East.”

Indirect - He said that the sun rises in the East.

An Astrologer's Day - R. K. Narayan

  About the author - R. K. Narayan (1906 to 2001) Rasipuram Krishnaswami Iyer Narayanaswami was one of the best known novelists among Indian...